PDF Russian Aviation & Military Guide, 2016
Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 02(03) March, 2016
Tender to supply auxiliary power units

Tender to supply auxiliary power units

Technodinamika Holding has won a tender to supply 9 new APUs for Ilyushin-76 and its modifications for the Indian Air Force. The tender value has not been disclosed. According to the terms of the tender, the holding shall supply 9 auxiliary power units for Ilyushin-76 and its modifications owned by the Indian Air Force. In all, the Indian Air Force uses a total of 28 aircraft of this type.

The victory in the tender was achieved once representatives of the Indian Air Force were convinced of the Holding's competence in APU production and repair: recently the Indian party accepted the first overhauled installation units for aircraft of this type. Furthermore, Technodinamika's Aircraft Service Center was registered with the Indian Air Force in February 2015. This meant the company was able to bid for component delivery, aircraft maintenance, and repair services for India's fleet.

The value of the bid is not being disclosed at this stage, but winning the tender means a serious step in the transition to a system of long-term contracting with the country's representatives.

"In the very near future, we are going to open a service center in India," Maxim Kuzyuk, CEO of Technodinamika, noted. “It will be arranged in compliance with the principles of the Make in India program, under which aircraft repair and maintenance will be localized in India. In this case, the Indian Air Force will be assured guaranteed deadlines and a high quality of performed works.”

Technodinamika Holding specializes in the design, manufacture, and after sales servicing of aircraft systems and components. The Holding also manufactures components for the oil and gas, automotive, transport, and energy sectors.
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