PDF Russian Aviation & Military Guide, 2016

Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 06(07) November, 2016

On September President of Russia Vladimir Putin had meeting with President of China Xi Jinping
The two presidents discussed the current state of bilateral relations, prospects for developing cooperation, and current international and regional issues.
Beginning of meeting President of China Xi Jinping sad: ‘It is a great pleasure to receive my old friend President Putin and all of the Russian delegation here in Hangzhou. I wish you a warm welcome to the eleventh G20 summit. As one of the key global economies and leading countries with established markets, Russia plays a big part in promoting health and stable global economic development and developing global economic governance.

Irkut Corporation delivered to Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute named after professor N.E.Zhukovsky (TsAGI) the MC-21 fuselage designated for static tests to confirm the strength characteristics of the new aircraft and to provide certification of the type for static strength
The MC-21 fuselage was delivered to Zhukovsky from Irkutsk by An-124 freighter. In the near future other parts of the airframe will arrive to TsAGI. In particular, Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a branch of Irkut Corporation where MC-21 fuselage was assembled, will hand over auxiliary power unit compartment.

Interview with Yuri Ridzel, General Director of ‘AVIAHELP’
— To what extent is Chinese market important and attractive for your company? What share does this area hold in your foreign economic operations?
— AVIAHELP regards Chinese market of aviation spare parts dedicated to Russian-made helicopters as one of the most promising in the world. Even today China is the second largest export market of Russian-made helicopters in the world. The number of Russian-made helicopters in China now exceeding 300 aircraft keeps growing strongly. Meanwhile so far the Chinese market share in our foreign operations structure is not more than 10%. We are sure that due to our service quality in the coming years we will be able to significantly increase Chinese share.

Moscow/New Delhi relationship set an exemplary case for other BRICS members as their mutual ties and interdependence grows
At the summit, held 15-16 October in Goa, heads of BRICS member states - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - declared that they have a common vision of the many problems on the global scale and scene. In addition to such declarations, the summit provided a convenient platform for India to sign new deals with Russia on most advanced weaponry.

Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 05(06) September, 2016

The presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia concluded a declaration for cooperation
In August the presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia during trilateral meeting in Baku concluded a declaration affirming their intent to develop trilateral cooperation. The declaration covers cooperation areas such as joint efforts to fight terrorism, settle regional conflicts, work together on the Caspian Sea, and develop ties in the energy sector, transport and other areas. Vladimir Putin, Ilham Aliyev and Hassan Rouhani agreed to establish working groups in the cooperation areas of mutual interest.

An informal meeting of the heads of state and government of BRICS member states (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) took place in Hangzhou before the G20 summit on September 4, 2016. BRICS leaders discussed the cooperation within the association and the agenda of the upcoming G20 summit
President of Russia Vladimir Putin sad: “We know that on the basis of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership adopted at the last year’s BRICS summit in Ufa, Russia, new large-scale joint projects are being prepared for launch, primarily in technology, industrial cooperation, energy, and agribusiness. We intend to expand contacts in other areas as well — in science, education, culture, on issues of social policy, healthcare and sport. We support cooperation between our parliaments, regions, trade unions, youth organizations and civil societies.

The best in the world Kornet-EM multipurpose missile system
As of today the IIIrd generation Kornet-E portable/transportable laser beam-rider system developed by KBP and adopted in 1998 is the weapon defini-tively complying with the concept of advanced ATGW, being state-of-the-art specimen of multipurpose tactical short range weapon system allowing engage-ment of virtually any small-size target within the system's line of sight. Aiming for further enhancement of Kornet-E ATGW combat capabilities, KBP Instrument Design Bureau developed a new multipurpose missile system — Kornet-EM.

Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 04(05) September, 2016

Russian Helicopters Holding has awarded the first firm price contracts for the supply of technical aviation equipment for Mi-35 helicopters in service with the Peruvian Air Forces
The contracts were awarded early in July of this year based on the results of tenders won by Russian Helicopters. According to contract terms, the Russian holding shall finish the supply of technical aviation equipment for the helicopters before the end of 2016.

Achievements Portrait in the New Global Economic Environment
At the beginning of August in The Kremlin, Moscow, the The CEO of Rostec Sergey Chemezov presented to Vladimir Putin a detailed report on the latest progress of Rostec and announced the development plans for the next ten years until 2025, according to a new Development Strategy.
In the long run, Rostec should become the core of the industrial and, therefore, the economic development of the country, providing a leading place for Russia in the new technological paradigm.

At the second International Military-Technical Forum ‘Army 2016’ ‘Uralvagonzavod’ (UVZ) research and production corporation is showing a wide range of advanced military developments
The UVZ exhibition stand involves products by 8 enterprises being parts of UVZ integrated structure: Nizhny Tagil ‘Uralvagonzavod’, Yekaterinburg ‘Uraltransmash’ and Plant 9, Chelyabinsk NPO ‘Elektromashina’ and ‘ChTZ-Uraltrak’ as well as ‘Omsktransmash’ (Omsk), ‘TsNII ‘Burevestnik’ (Nizhny Novgorod) and ‘Vityaz’ engineering company (Ishimbay).

Sales promotion program for the global military aircraft market
State special exporter Rosoboronexport (part of the Rostec State Corporation) and the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) have signed a Program to promote military aircraft on the external market for the period 2016-2019. The document was signed by Rosoboronexport Director General Anatoly Isaykin and UAC President Yury Slyusar.

The RT-Chemcomposite holding presented in India a number of innovative projects for joint implementation with a total investment of more than $100 million
A delegation of the holding company took part in the meeting of the Russian-Indian Intergovernmental Commission in New Delhi.
According to the holding's press service, a meeting of the working group on industrial modernization and cooperation of the Russian-Indian Intergovernmental Commission on Commercial, Economic, Scientific, Technical, and Cultural Cooperation was held in New Delhi on August 18. The delegation of RT-Chemcomposite holding took part in the event.

Rosoboronexport and Remdiesel embraced the joint program to promote the Typhoon-K truck (KAMAZ-53949) on foreign markets
The document was signed by Anatoly Isaikin, Rosoboronexport's CEO, and Faiz Khafizov, Remdiesel's CEO.
The program's main goal is to promote Typhoon-K trucks on foreign markets and receive proposals from foreign customers for supply of the truck, maintain and increase the scientific and engineering capabilities of Remdiesel interests in order to create products that are competitive in the global market.

JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) held a roll-out ceremony of two Sukhoi Business Jet (SBJ) aircraft built for Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF)
The aircraft will be providing VIP transportation services for Thai top officials and government leaders as well as to the High Command of Thailand. The two SBJs are the company’s first business jets acquired by an overseas customer.

At the International Land and Airland Defence and Security Exhibition EUROSATORY 2016 in Paris, Rosoboronexport (part of the Rostec State Corporation) displayed Russian military hardware, as well as hold talks with the European partners. Russian exhibitors included NPO Splav, Kalashnikov Concern, Schwabe Holding and Proekt-Technika Corporation
“At Eurosatory, we traditionally present armored vehicles, missile and artillery systems, close assault weapons and ammunition, key air defense weapons, diverse engineer equipment as well as some helicopter models. This year we’ll focus also on a variety of counter-terrorism equipment and conduct presentation of our new project, “Integrated Security Systems,” said Igor Sevastyanov, Rosoboronexport Deputy Director General, who leaded the joint Rostec-Rosoboronexport delegation.

World's largest parade of military orchestras
From August 27 to September 4, 2016 Moscow’s Red Square hosted the “Spasskaya Tower” International Military Music Festival. Rosoboronexport was been traditionally general sponsor of the event. Spasskaya Tower, the world's largest parade of military orchestras, is being held for the ninth time.

RT-Business Development (the State Corporation Rostec investment holding company) and the Federal Project Finance Center (Vnesheconombank Group) have signed a cooperation agreement on joint participation in infrastructure projects in Russia and abroad
The document was signed August 18 by RT-Business Development General Director Andrei Korobov and FPFC General Director Alexander Bazhenov.
The cooperation agreement will boost development of projects offering the highest promise in terms of growth potential, primarily high-tech projects in the field of social infrastructure.

Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 02(03) March, 2016

On January, 2016, two St. Petersburg International Economic Forum panel sessions on bilateral relations between Russia and India took place in New Delhi: “Fulfilling the Indian–Russian economic promise” and “BRICS growth agenda: investment hot spots in Russia”
It was the first time that SPIEF sessions had been held at The Global Business Summit. Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi greeted the members of the Russian delegation in person. The delegation consisted of Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister of the Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Mazov, and Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan Sergey Novikov.

Economic cooperation is one of the fundamental elements of Russian-Indian strategic partnership
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of India Alexander Kadakin in interview tells about the development of relations between Russia and India. The Ambassador assured that our countries have the highest potential for development of both political and economic relations.

A Russian helicopter design and manufacturing company said it is in discussion with Indian partners to conclude a contract for 200 choppers, more than 140 of which will be made in India under an inter-government pact
"We are now discussing terms and conditions for the contract and copter configuration," Igor Chechikov, deputy CEO of Russian Helicopters (RH), told. Sixty of the contracted helicopters will be supplied from RH's existing manufacturing facilities in Russia while planning will be worked out with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) and other partners to manufacture more than 140 units, making it one of the biggest investment venture under 'Make in India' initiative.

Technodinamika Holding has won a tender to supply 9 new APUs for Ilyushin-76 and its modifications for the Indian Air Force
The tender value has not been disclosed. According to the terms of the tender, the holding shall supply 9 auxiliary power units for Ilyushin-76 and its modifications owned by the Indian Air Force. In all, the Indian Air Force uses a total of 28 aircraft of this type.
The victory in the tender was achieved once representatives of the Indian Air Force were convinced of the Holding's competence in APU production and repair: recently the Indian party accepted the first overhauled installation units for aircraft of this type.

The Schwabe holding company has developed the Geoton-L1 optical electronic instruments for a satellite of the Resurs-P series launched into orbit on March 13, 2016 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It is planned to produce two more specimens in 2017 and 2018
The resolution of the device allows to distinguish and identify 85 cm long objects from space at a distance of 475 km from the Earth's surface with high certainty. As of today, Geoton-L1 is the most precise optical equipment produced in Russia.

Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 01(02) February, 2016

Among the priority tasks of Roscosmos is cooperation with other countries related to study and use of space
Roscosmos develops bilateral and multilateral international political, economic, science and technical as well as legal collaboration. The Agency is internationally involved in fundamental space studies, satellite observations, global satellite navigation systems, earth remote sensing, use of space operating results and so on.

Russia united with several countries in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Board of Directors for voices distribution
“Russia is not the only country that has done it,” — noted Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexey Ulyukaev appointed as a Governor from Russia in AIIB. “It is a normal practice. The countries are united into groups. The same thing is in the World Bank and in the EBRD when our country is united with others.”

Briefing of the Russian Defence Ministry spokesman concerning activities of Rus aircraft in the Syrian Arab Republic
First of all, it is to be reminded that the Russian Federation was to have conducted an observation flight over the territory of the Turkish Republic on February 1-5, 2016 in accordance with the Treaty on Open Skies. A preliminary approval for the flight had been received from the Turkish party within the time limits prescribed by the Treaty.

Russian Helicopters, part of State Corporation Rostec, delivered the final batch of helicopters to India under a previously signed agreement
India received 151 Mi-17V-5 military transport helicopters produced by JSC Kazan Helicopters through Rosoboronexport. Under an agreement between the Russian and Indian governments with regard to cooperation in the helicopter industry, the production of no less than 200 Ka-226T helicopters and its modifications will be organized in India.

Russia remains one of the world’s top defense products suppliers
Since 2000, the Russian Federation has established a sufficiently effective system to manage military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states, incorporating the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (“FSMTC of Russia”) as its critical enabler. The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation is empowered with control and supervision functions in the MTC area. FSMTC of Russia shall be a decision making authority on import to and export from the Russian Federation of military purpose products as decreed by the President of the Russian Federation...

United Aircraft Corporation presented its aircraft with Pininfarina interiors at Dubai Airshow in the United Arab Emirates
From 8 to 12 of November, 2015 the demonstration of Sukhoi Superjet 100 took place as a part of Dubai Airshow program. Aircraft with production number 95065 displayed at the Airshow was manufactured for Interjet, a Mexican airline. Interjet now operates 16 SSJ100 aircraft and performed more than 37,000 flights to different cities of Latin America and USA. A firm fixed contract for delivery of 30 SSJ100 aircraft in total was concluded with Interjet.

The most experienced aircraft building enterprise in Russia begins its new stage of development
One of the world’s oldest and the most experienced aircraft manufacturers, Russian factory ‘Dux’ which celebrates its 123-d anniversary this year, is now undergoing full-scale upgrading phase. Known worldwide for its air missiles the enterprise is going to significantly increase the range of equipment manufactured and among other things enter a world market with its new civilian products. We have had a conversation with Director General of ‘Dux’, JSC Yuri Klishin about principles of changes and new milestone of ‘Dux’.

Russian Helicopters will create a maintenance and repair centers for Ka-32A11BC and Mi-17 helicopters in China
The service centers will be located in Shenzhen. The initial phase will involve maintenance for Ka-32A11BC helicopters, with service provision for Mi-17s to follow on later. All helicopters are operated within China. Also Russian Helicopters has concluded an agreement with China for delivery of 3 Ka-32A11BC helicopters by the end of 2015. Russian Helicopters also has signed a contract with China General Aviation Service Co. Ltd. The two Mi-171 helicopters will be delivered in 2016.

NCI and CRI EICS have joined forces to create import-substitution software
The National Center of Informatization (NCI) and the Central Research Institute of Economy, Informatics, and Control Systems (CRI EICS) will create a competence center for software development that will consolidate the resources to conduct large-scale projects for the development of Russian software.

Analysis of the situation in the exhibition industry had been the main topic of the press conference "Russian exhibition industry in new economic conditions" held in MIA "Russia Today"
The head of the CCI of Russia Mr. Sergey Katyrin, General Director of ZAO "Expocentre" Mr.Sergei Bednov, the President of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry Mr. Andrew Razbrodin met with the press.
Exhibition activity was one of the most important tools to promote domestic business to the Russian and foreign markets, said the President of the CCI of Russia Mr. Sergey Katyrin.

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