PDF Russian Aviation & Military Guide, 2017
Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 09(16) October, 2017
Main aviation topics

Main aviation topics

Yuri Slyusar, President of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and Irkut Corporation, held working meeting at Irkutsk Aviation Plant, dedicated to implementation of plant's major programs.

While evaluating the second stage of MC-21 factory finishing tests, Yuri Slyusar said: ‘The aircraft undergoes tests successfully, in accordance with the schedule. We gradually expand operational envelope in altitude, speed, and weight. Recently, the aircraft has reached the altitude of 10 000 meters and speed of 900 km/h. For today, the aircraft confirms to all declared characteristics.’

Currently, four MC-21-300 test aircraft are under construction. Till the end of this year, the second aircraft is planned to be transferred to the Flight Test Facility of the plant.

During working meeting, the progress of military programs of Irkut Corporation was also discussed. Yuri Slyusar expressed confidence that all this-year contract obligations on aircraft deliveries to the Russia's MOD and foreign Customers would be timely implemented. The plans on future state and export orders for Su-30SM, Yak-130, Yak-152 aircraft were also discussed at the meeting.

In conclusion, President of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and Irkut Corporation noted that currently Irkutsk Aviation Plant is facing the complicated task of organizing serial production of MC-21 aircraft, together with rotating production tempo of military products. That is why, Yuri Slyusar stressed, it is important to implement programs directed to retention of professional cadre at the plant. In particular, United Aircraft Corporation develops housing program, which envisions that successful plant's employees may obtain 50% subsidies for purchasing ready-made housing.
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