PDF Russian Aviation & Military Guide, 2017
Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 07(14) July, 2017
PD-14: the second stage

PD-14: the second stage

The United Engine Corporation (subsidiary of Rostec State Corporation) successfully completed the second stage of flight tests of the Russian civil aircraft engine of the fifth generation PD-14.

PD-14 ¹100-07 (021) is a basic turbojet two-circuit engine, which is created within the framework of a wide cooperation of the UEC enterprises for the MC-21 airliner with the use of the latest technologies and materials, including the composite ones. It is the first engine for the commercial airliners successfully designed and developed in modern Russia. The PD-14 flight tests were conducted on Il-76 flying testbed at the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov in Zhukovsky, Moscow region.

‘Successful testing of the PD-14 engine is a significant stage in the implementation of the program aimed at increasing the share of domestic components in our civil aircraft,’ said Anatoly Serdyukov, Industrial Director of the aviation cluster at Rostec State Corporation. ‘The creation of this type of turbo engine will equip them with one of the most important developments in the history of domestic aircraft construction – the medium-range MC-21 aircraft.’

The major aim of the trials was to confirm the working efficiency of the engine within different altitude and speed conditions, in which it will be operated on MC-21 airliner, and to assess the level of its operational performance.

At this moment, the engine is being re-assembled to resumeits tests on the ground stands.

The successful development of the engine PD-14 is an important milestone in the implementation of the new strategy of Rostec’s aviation cluster, according to which the revenues of the cluster each year should increase by around 12% andexceed 1.5 trillion rubles by 2025. This impressive growth rates will be achieved through a substantial increase in civilian production (30-40%) increase in exports (by half) and improvements in operational efficiency: capacity utilization is expected to grow from 55 to 80%, which will optimize the overhead charges and investment in the production and its further expansion.In addition, it is planned to build a world-class after-sales service for helicopters and aircraft, which will increase revenue by more than 2.5 times due to the creation of a "single window" for customers and the transition to managing the life cycle of cluster products.
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