FSMTC of Russia
Military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states
Since 2000, the Russian Federation has established a
sufficiently effective system to manage its military-technical cooperation with
foreign partners. The system is headed by the Federal Service for
Military-Technical Cooperation ('FSMTC of Russia'). The Federal Service for
Military-Technical Cooperation is empowered with control and supervision over
the MTC area. FSMTC of Russia is a decision making authority on import to and
export of military purpose products as decreed by the President of the Russian
Federation. FSMTC of Russia is authorized by the President of the Russian
Federation to issue licenses to Russian defense companies and other entities
required to import and export military purpose products.
FSMTC of Russia is in charge of the system of military-technical cooperation
with other countries. Major areas of FSMTC of Russia activities are:
- control and supervision in the area of military-technical cooperation in
compliance with laws of the Russian Federation;
- participation alongside with other federal government authorities in
implementing policy in the area of military-technical cooperation:
- submission of relevant proposals to the President of the Russian Federation,
the Government of the Russian Federation, and Defense Ministry of the Russian
FSMTC of Russia is a decision making authority on import to and export of
military purpose products to/from the Russian Federation as decreed by the
President of the Russian Federation. It is authorized by the President of the
Russian Federation to issue licenses to defense companies and other entities
required to import and export military purpose products. FSMT of Russia is
authorized to grant and revoke trade licenses to/from manufacturers of military
— purpose products. It is the head decision-maker in the matters of Russian
participation in defense exhibitions and shows in terms of showcasing military
purpose products and technologies both in the Russian Federation and abroad. Yet
another crucial function of FSMTC of Russia is to issue end-user certificates
for import military purpose products to manufactures of military purpose
In conformity with the law of the Russian Federation, FSMTC of Russia performs
control and supervision functions relating to:
- Compliance by federal government authorities, government authorities of the
Russian Federation constituencies and Russian organizations in the field of
military-technical cooperation with legal acts and regulations of the Russian
Federation and key state policy guidelines in the field of military-technical
cooperation, requirements of the Russian Federation laws on export control over
procurement of military purpose products;
- Implementation of underlying state policy principles in the field of
military-technical cooperation including state monopoly;
- Efficient functioning of state regulatory system in the field of
military-technical cooperation;
- Fulfillment of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field
of military-technical cooperation;
- Marketing, advertising, and exhibition activities in the field of
military-technical cooperation;
- Efficient allocation of funds from the federal budget to finance activities in
the field of military-technical cooperation, as well as efficient use of federal
property by military-technical cooperation–affiliated entities;
- Level of foreign trade prices for export and import military purpose products
with due regard to protection of economic interests of the Russian Federation;
- Level of local prices for military purpose products to be funded out of the
federal budget, and supplied to foreign customers under international treaties
of the Russian Federation.
FSMTC of Russia submits draft decisions to be signed by the President of the
Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation on deliveries of
military purpose products to foreign customers, as well as on other foreign
trade issues relating to military purpose products.
Also FSMTC of Russia develops jointly with federal government stakeholders
conceptual approaches to increase MTC efficiency, as well as to review trends in
the development of the global market of military purpose products. FSMTC of
Russia elaborates jointly with federal government and stakeholders draft
international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of MTC and submits
proposals for concluding and implementation of any such treaties.
FSMTC of Russia submits in the established manner proposals for creating,
composition and arranging activities of bilateral and multilateral
intergovernmental commissions relating to MTC, sets up relationships with
international organizations relating to MTC. FSMTC of Russia is in charge of
intergovernmental commissions relating to MTC on behalf of Russia and therefore
it is instructed by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government
of the Russian Federation.
The Federal service for military-technical cooperation receives requests from
foreign customers for supplies of military purpose products, registers them,
appoints contractors among Russian entities, informs foreign customers on the
state of their requests, and supervises preparation and approval of relevant
decisions, monitors how MTC-affiliated entities progress in meeting the requests
of foreign customers for supplies of military purpose products.