- ¹ 03(10) Special Edition, 2017
PDF Russian Aviation & Military Guide, 2017
Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 03(10) Special Edition, 2017
Russia at LIMA-2017
Russia at LIMA-2017
JSC Rosoboronexport introduces a wide range of defense innovations
Being a traditional participant in International Maritime
and Aerospace Exhibition taking place in Malaysia Russia shows the best
innovations of armament and defense equipment. The Russian display is sponsored
by JSC Rosoboronexport (part of the Rostec State Corporation) — the sole Russian
state intermediary agency, which is responsible for import/export of the full
range of defense and dual-use end products, technologies and services.
Only Rosoboronexport has the right to supply the world market with a full range
of arms and military equipment manufactured by Russia’s defense industrial
complex and approved to be exported. Rosoboronexport accounts for more than 85%
of Russia's arms exports. Rosoboronexport is among the major operators in the
world market for arms and military equipment. Last year JSC Rosoboronexport
marked its 16th anniversary. Rosoboronexport was set up by RF President’s Decree
as a federal state unitary enterprise tasked to implement the national policy in
the area of military-technical cooperation between Russia and foreign countries.
Since 1 July 2011 Rosoboronexport has been operating as an open joint stock
company. Rosoboronexport operates under the strict supervision of the Russian
President, the Russian Government and in full conformity with the UN arms
control treaties and the relevant international agreements. Director General of
Rosoboronexport — Alexander Mikheev.
Within the frameworks of the integrated Russian exhibit at LIMA-2017 JSC
Rosoboronexport introduces more than 270 products made by twenty Russian defense
enterprises. The head of JSC Rosoboronexport delegation, marketing department
chief of the company Vladimir Ereschenko says: ‘45% of all deliveries made by
Rosoboronexport accrue to Asia-Pacific region. Here we are engaged in military
and technical cooperation with our traditional partners and develop new military
markets including those dedicated to air force and navy. Many aviation and naval
products as well as unmanned flying vehicles shown in Langkawi had been
battle-tested during anti-terrorist operation in Syria. The company now sees the
intense interest taken by foreign clients in these products’.
Among the best products for Asia-pacific region Rosoboronexport experts single
out super-maneuverable multifunctional fighter planes Su-35, Su-30MKM and
Su-30MKI, combat helicopters Mi-28NE and Ka-52, unmanned flying vehicle systems
Orlan-10E and Takhion. Besides, there is an expected attention to be paid to
frigates 22356 and 11356, corvettes 20382, patrol ships 11661 Gepard 5.1 and
22160, patrol boats 12150 Mangust and14310 Mirazh, as well as such armament
systems for the region’s naval ships as 30-mm automatic artillery mount ÀÊ-630Ì,
lightweight artillery mount ÀÊ-306, and remote weapon station Rumb.
Experts also take great interest in integrated offshore surveillance system
shown by Rosoboronexport. The system ensures safe maritime activities in
exclusive economic zone during peace and protects sea lanes as well as defense
and economic infrastructure during war.
The indisputable blockbuster in LIMA-2017 is a show by Russkie Vityazy aerobatic
team which always bring audience to their feet wherever it performs. In the
skies above Langkawi island Russian pilots are going to introduce for the first
time beyond Russia their new show which includes individual and group
supermaneuverable flights using multifunctional Su-30SM fighter planes.
Rosoboronexport expresses its full confidence in success of Russian enterprises
at LIMA-2017.
The official status of the exclusive state intermediary agency gives
Rosoboronexport unique opportunities to expand long-term mutually beneficial
cooperation with foreign partners, provide guaranteed state support of all
export-import operations, and strengthen Russia’s leadership in the world arms
The main result of biography of Rosoboronexport, despite the difficult economic
conditions and fierce, often unfair, competition in the global arms market, that
company have managed not only to carry its sales, but also significantly enlarge
its footprint in the traditional and new arms markets. Through integrated
marketing strategies, company have ensured that order book today exceeds US$ 46
The special exporter makes painstaking efforts on a daily basis to increase
Russian arms exports resulting in more than a thousand contract documents signed
with foreign customers every year. Over the period of its operation in the
international market, Rosoboronexport has delivered hundreds of thousands of
units of military equipment and weapons worth more than US$ 120 billion to 115
Rosoboronexport pays great attention to both major billion dollar contracts and
small deals. The company seeks to operate flexibly and efficiently by using
modern and advanced marketing and customer settlement methods. The special
exporter cooperates with more than 700 Russian defense-industrial enterprises
and organizations, which enables it to offer partner countries the comprehensive
and cost-effective solutions for strengthening their defense capability and
national security.
By concluding export contracts, Rosoboronexport supports the Russian defense
industry, which is especially important under difficult conditions in the global
market. High-tech products are in increased demand in the world arms market
today and thus the company is interested in developing smart manufacturing in
In addition, Rosoboronexport is actively involved in a number of charitable and
sponsorship projects. The company provides assistance to military hospitals,
military historical museums, and children's educational institutions.
Rosoboronexport supports major sporting events and various sports federations,
acts as sponsor and partner of the largest industrial exhibitions and cultural
events held in Russia and abroad.
Rosoboronexport pursues a marketing strategy targeted to expand the geography,
range and volume of export deliveries. A number of special programs and projects
for exporting products to specific countries have been developed based on a
comprehensive analysis of the arms markets and foreign partners’ needs.
Rosoboronexport seeks to operate flexibly and efficiently in the market, using
modern and advanced marketing and customers' settlement methods.
Foreign customers are offered package solutions for national systems intended to
defend land, air and seaside borders, which feature the optimal trade-off
between cost and performance. These solutions may include both the supply of
military products and services and organization of licensed production in
customer countries, the setting-up of joint ventures to manufacture and maintain
equipment, as well as joint R&D efforts. Rosoboronexport widely uses the optimal
offset programs. With regard to foreign customers’ interests and the
opportunities of the Russian defense industrial complex to increase its exports,
Rosoboronexport pays much attention both to major billion-dollar contracts and
small deals worth the hundreds of thousands to several millions of dollars.
The first Soviet state intermediary agency for military-technical cooperation
with foreign countries was created on 8th May 1953 after the USSR Council of
Ministers had decided on forming the General Engineering Department within the
then Ministry of Domestic and Foreign Trade. Other special foreign trade bodies
were created later on to provide for further expansion of military-technical
cooperation activities. In the late 1990s there were two federal state unitary
enterprises in Russia acting as state arms exporters Rosvoorouzhenie State
Corporation and Promexport.
In November 2000 the two enterprises were merged into a single one —Rosoboronexport
Federal State Unitary Enterprise, the sole state intermediary for export/import
of defence products, by the Presidential Decree No. 1834 dated 4th November 2000
aimed at restructuring the system of military and technical cooperation of the
Russian Federation with foreign states, and improving its performance. Since
September the 1st, 2014 Rosoboronexport has been operating as a joint stock
Core areas of activities of Rosoboronexport
- Export / import of all types of conventional weapons, military and dual-use
equipment and services.
- Organization of licensed production of armaments and military equipment
abroad, joint R&D efforts with foreign partners.
- Maintenance and repair of earlier supplied weaponry and military equipment.
- Modernization of Russian-made weapons and military equipment.
- Training foreign specialists in Russia and customer countries in the operation
and maintenance of supplied military equipment.
- Technical assistance in the construction of military infrastructure
facilities: defense plants, airfields, depots, ranges, training centers.
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