PDF Russian Aviation & Military Guide, 2017
Russian Aviation & Military Guide ¹ 01(08) February, 2017
World premiere of MiG-35

World premiere of MiG-35

World premiere of the MiG-35 state-of-the art multirole aviation complex was held in Lukhovitsy, Moscow region January 27, 2017 in the production venue of the Russian Aircraft Corporation “MiG” (a UAC subsidiary).

The event was attended by more than 30 delegations from foreign countries, such as India, Peru, China, Vietnam, and other countries of Latin America, Middle East, Middle Asia, Europe and the CIS. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin, Commander-in-Chief of the Air and Space Forces of the Russian Federation, Col.Gen. Victor N. Bondarev and representatives of Rosoboronexport and Federal Service for Military and technical cooperation also took part in the ceremony. The state-of the art MiG-35 fighter was presented to the general audience by Mr. Yury Slyusar, UAC President; Sergey Korotkov, UAC General Designer, Vice President for Innovations; and Ilya Tarasenko, RAC “MiG” Director General.

Addressing the audience Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin said: «That’s the first presentation of a combat aircraft in 2017, up ahead on the agenda is a presentation and the maiden flight of the narrow body passenger MC-21 airliner, in summer we plan the maiden flight of the IL-112 light military transport aircraft. That proves that the potential of combat aviation and the designers of Russian aircraft companies is capable of making high quality competitive aircraft. Russia is a great aviation state and today we ‘ve got a serious proof of this fact».

In his address towards the aircraft industry workers Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air and Space Forces gave a high appraisal to the new fighter and confirmed the aircraft prospects in the Army: "Many thanks for such an excellent creation that proved once again that nowhere in the world there are better aircraft than in Russia. This multirole fighter is capable to attack ground, sea surface and air targets and perform aerial maneuvering combat. I feel proud to say that we shall be pleased to take the aircraft — we need them”. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air and Space Forces expressed his deep gratitude to the staff of the UAC and MiG Corporation for such an excellent aircraft. «Within some time we shall replace all light fighter aircraft with this type», — concluded the Commander-in-Chief.

«Aircraft capable of resolving so many tasks — is the most modern perfect aircraft, crowning the MiG aircraft family. Designed on the proven and tested platform it’ll be in demand in both national and foreign Air Forces. It seems to me that this project has a bright future, so I would like to wish success to it and all of us», said Yury Slyusar, UAC President, in his remarks opening the presentation of the new fighter.

Both Russian and foreign guests could watch the MiG-35 flight within the framework of the flight test programme after the presentation. Chief pilot Michail Belyaev and test pilot Stanislav Gorbunov demonstrated flight capabilities of the new fighter.

After the test flight Dmitry Rogozin informed media that in the beginning of spring a military-industrial conference will be held in India, where supplies, repair and maintenance of the Russian weapons, as well as establishing of joint ventures within the framework of “Make in India” concept would be discussed. The Russian party should be ready to offer the new fighter MiG-35 to India, pointed out D. Rogozin.

It is interesting, that one day before prezentation there was a video conference with report to the President of Russian Federation on the beginning of the flight tests of the new multirole MiG-35 fighter aircraft. Vladimir Putin congratulated designers, engineers, workers and pilots who took part in the process of aircraft production and testing on this important occasion.

«I do expect that our army shall be considerably enhanced by this aircraft – I mean our Defence and Space Forces. But this aircraft also has strong export potential, I mean, over 30 countries actively operate another aircraft – the MiG-29, and a solid infrastructure was set up in these countries to support this fighter, and there are trained specialists there. It is feasible that the industry and everything linked with operating the aircraft — all should be ready to offer our potential partners maximum required services in the modern world to support this equipment», — said Vladimir Putin.

Russian Federation Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, RF Trade and Industry Minister Denis Manturov and RF Minister of Defence Sergey Shoigu also watched the demonstration test flight. The new aircraft was presented to the Head of State by the PJSC UAC President Mr. Yury Slyusar, UAC General Designer-Vice President for Innovations Mr. Sergey Korotkov and RAC MiG Chief test pilot Michael Belyaev, who took the aircraft to the air at the production site of the RAC “MiG” in Lukhovitsy (Moscow region).

Yury Slyusar reported to the President of Russian Federation that the new MiG-35 fighter was designed specially to perform combat activities in areas of high intensity conflicts, in high density air defences. Strong performance is achieved due to new defence suite, new opto-location station and reduced radar cross section signature.

Test pilot Michael Belyaev reported that the flight was performed to demonstrate MiG-35 stability, controllability and maneuverability features. All the systems worked normally, crew positively evaluated aircraft.

In his turn UAC General Designer Mr Sergey Korotkov underlined that the RAC “MiG” was able to design a new multifunctional system integrated with armaments and installed on board MiG-35 aircraft. Together with other systems a 4++ generation complex was designed. Mr Korotkov also expressed hope for a future contract with the MoD of the Russian Federation, and high interest of foreign customers.

In the course of a video conference Vladimir Putin also pointed out that production of a commercial aircraft has been planned in the RAC “MiG” production sites. This aircraft will be flying on domestic routes.

UAC President informed that here, in Lukhovitsy, on the basis of the RAC “MiG” production site the IL-114-300 regional turboprop aircraft assembly is being set up. «Decisions that were taken during the meeting in your office half a year ago are being implemented, the budgeting provided to the PJSC UAC has been distributed between the companies-executors (RAC “MiG” and “Ilyushin”). Along with that the design bureau is preparing the documentation to be handed over to the plant. The same facility that will be used for MiG-35 assembly will be used to make 12 IL-114 per year. This will allow us to harmonize the Corporation’s product portfolio and fulfill our strategic targets - to increase the share of commercial aircraft in our revenues up to 45 per cent by 2025”, said Mr. Slyusar in conclusion.
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